Season - Spring, ShoppingLauren Braud1 Comment

Today is sunny! Today is seventy-two degrees! Today is the first day of spring! I feel like I can’t even believe it, I have my windows open and my mind is on items to freshen up my home for Spring. These are some of my favorite items ever (that candle? a secret favorite that won’t set you back too much in the pocketbook!)

1. A fresh wreath for your front door

I change wreaths every season. Wreaths are friendly and welcoming. I’ve had my eyes on this olive wreath from Pottery Barn, but I’ve been known to head on down to Hobby Lobby and make my own if I can’t find what I’m looking for!

2. My favorite baskets for tidying up the linen closet

Can’t go wrong with the container store. I personally have a few of these white woven and lined baskets sitting in my linen closet holding extra sheets and towels, and a few more sitting in my online cart.

3. And the best labels

Sturdy, changeable, and they clip right onto the baskets above

4. pillows can absolutely change a room

I love this antelope print, classic and beautiful. A lumbar is one of my favorite go-tos to making a bed look perfectly put together.

5. While we’re at it how about some NEW linens

P and I received this linen comforter as a wedding present, it’s perfect. The linen is beautiful and feels so lovely. Even better its the perfect comforter for the spring - keeps you warm on cool nights and breathable as the weather warms up.


6. Fresh Flowers for your dining table

…Or your powder bath, bedside table, or coffee table. Ya’ll I can’t stress enough - if you do nothing else to your house for Spring - head on over to Trader Joe’s and grab a bouquet of fresh flowers. Fresh blooms infuse life into even the darkest room.

7. A pitcher for margs (or your flowers!)

A beautiful pitcher means you’re not running back inside to the blender as you enjoy these longer nights outside on your porch (and it’s chicer serving out of a blender - not that there is any problem with that in a pinch!). And flowers always manage to fall perfectly when placed in a pitcher.

8. My. Favorite. Candle.

Bold claim. I know. I adore candles and don’t get me wrong - Le Labo, Jo Malone, Diptyque - are great, but come on $60 and up. However this is my secret - the glass glows beautifully when lit and all of Crate and Barrel’s scents are perfection.

9. Cleanse every little corner with sage

Even better this Sweet Grass & Selenite Smudge Stick from Amber Interiors comes tied up with a stick of selenite - they say selenite increases creative energy and cleanses

10. a greener, cleaner…er…cleaner

I use Murchison-Hume in my home. The trifecta of cleaning products - good for the planet, effective, and gorgeously packaged. I need my cleaning products to look just as good as the counters they’re cleaning.